Founder & CCO, Womanship who is fighting for female equity

Nicolette is of Jamaican heritage, was raised in the UK, and after 18 years in Amsterdam calls it home. With over 25 years of experience in the creative industries, Nicolette has contributed to building global brands such as Visa and Volkswagen at top agencies including Saatchi & Saatchi, before founding Womanship. She's on a mission to increase female equity by bringing women together in safe spaces for them to share their worries and validate each other. Inspired by personal challenges of divorce, miscarriages, menopause, and imposter syndrome, her vision for Womanship is to create a global "Share more. Worry less" platform where both women and wellness professionals can thrive.

Topics that Nicolette likes to talk about are:

  • Her ongoing research into what women worry about most and the societal reasons they don't share their worries 

  • Female health and wellness - the lack of research and culture of silence around this.

  • Female equity and how to achieve it.

  • Diversity and inclusion from an experiential perspective: occupying the intersectionality between being black, being a woman and working in white corporate environments; black-on-black prejudice.

Check out Womanship community here - a place to access support, content, events and a community

Follow Nicolette on LinkedIn here 

And read an interview with her here  [THIS LINK IS COMING]


